Tip# 5: One of the most important responsibilities you will manage as a Family Caregiver is your loved ones medical insurance policy or policies. Disclosure: I am not a Licensed Insurance Agent and I will not make specific recommendations concerning a particular Carrier or Carriers. I will simply state the importance of learning to read the Explanation of Benefits, often called by it's acronym, EOB. You will need to pay close attention to the billing process, and learn how the billing process works for medical services rendered. The EOB normally contains a breakdown of all medical services rendered. Take time to ask your Carrier, whether it's Medicare, another Primary Carrier, or a Secondary Supplemental Insurance Carrier questions if something doesn't appear correct on the EOB. The EOB statement normally contains a Customer Service phone number which you can call during normal business hours to receive more information. You may also contact the Physician's office where the services were rendered and speak to the Medical Billing Specialist for guidance, or a 3rd Party Billing Service contracted with your loved ones Physicians Office.